Quick Primer on Core Vitals and Technical SEO

I was invited to give a talk on SEO for the Houston West Chamber of Commerce and decided to talk this and make a bonus podcast out of it.

This is a quick sprint though core vitals and how to use and interpret Web.dev. It is important to have a strong web hosting company to help with making sure you site passes core vitals. And, if it doesn’t helping you make that work.

We also did a quick on page technical SEO walk though to help business owners understand how to do a quick audit of your page. We touched on title tags, H1, H2 tags and other on page technical seo elements that if you did nothing else, but fix these items, your page would be more apt to rank on local or long tail search. This segment is one of the quickest ways to fix what’s wrong with your website.

Because of the icy weather we know a lot of you missed the talk in person or the opportunity to ask questions so we though we would put this up and if there are any questions please feel free to leave them in the comment section of the website site.

This is a little shorter format than our normal Internet Marketing Clinic classes but was great to be back in front of people and we are looking forward to doing more in person events.

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