Website Marketing for Houston

Website marketing in Houston can mean a lot of things. When most companies think of improving their online presence, they think of search engine optimization (SEO). While it’s certainly true that SEO is a critical part of a company’s online approach, it is just one element, and there is much more to consider. As time goes on, and search engines like Google refine their ranking methods, it is becoming increasingly difficult to game the system. Fact is, if a business wants to be noticed at all online, they will need a smart plan of attack that only a professional crew can supply.

What are the components of website marketing in Houston?

 The Bayou City is a competitive market for many industries, including those that rely on bringing in new customers regularly. Attaining visibility is what matters, and that means climbing up the search rankings. How does a firm go about this? Its efforts will include:

  • Search engine optimization. Strong SEO propels a site up the search engine rankings, with Google being the primary target. Achieving excellent SEO means observing Google’s site preferences and building a site around them. Using responsive design practices, link building, tagging and intuitive navigation are all tried and true methods to improving SEO, as they are favorably observed by Google.
  • Content marketing. Producing relevant content is, perhaps, the most important thing to execute when improving a company’s online presence. Google is increasing its focus on content, with the assumption that that is what its users want to see. Companies that regularly generate interesting and relevant content will not only rank higher in Google and other search engines, they will also be more likely to show up in Google’s special search results additions, like the carousel and local result listings. Content production should always be handled by a firm in the Bayou City, as they will have better knowledge of local industries, like energy and medical, and will be able to use this insight to produce better researched content.
  • Social media management. Although social media’s impact is often difficult to measure, there is no doubt that if executed correctly, social media can generate loyalty and additional customers. However, just like content production, managing social media requires a lot of time and effort. Again, a local firm should manage social media, as Houstonians, like people in any city, are more likely to respond to certain references and turns of phrase. A company that identifies itself as a fixture in the city will earn consumers’ trust.
  • Citation management. Though a bit simpler than other approaches, citation management professionals track down where the company is mentioned online (such as databases and directories) and ensures that the information is correct. If inaccurate contact information and business information are allowed to percolate through the internet, it may force Google to consider the company’s site untrustworthy, which is the worst flag a business could receive online. No surprise, a local firm is again essential to proper citation management, as it will know what city directories and databases to target.

There is no one airtight approach to website marketing in Houston, and every business and industry is different. But with an experienced firm, a company won’t have to go it alone, and will have a fighting chance to get noticed.

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