How to Point your Domain to Your Squarespace Account

Step 1 โ€“ Start the connection in Squarespace

To connect your domain, start in the Domains panel:

  1. In the Home Menu, click Settings, and then click Domains. You can also press the ?key while any panel is open and search domains.
  2. Click Use a Domain I Own.
  3. Enter the full domain name youโ€™re connecting in the Domain Name field, and then click Continue.
  4. Click Connect From Provider.

Note: If you see a message that says โ€œThis domain is already connected to another Squarespace site,โ€ check your other Squarespace sites to find where the domain is connected. Then disconnect it from that site.

  1. Select your domain provider from the drop-down menu. If you donโ€™t see your domain provider, select Other. You can still connect your domain if you donโ€™t see your provider in this list.
  2. Click Connect Domain.
  3. In the message that appears, click Okay.

Step 2 โ€“ View your DNS settings

After you connect your domain, a new panel will open with the records you need to enter in your provider account so your domain connects to Squarespace. Keep this panel open for your reference.

If you ever need to access your DNS settings in the future, open Domains in the Settings panel. Then click the name of your third-party domain to see the DNS settings for that domain.

Your domain records may be green or red, depending on what Squarespace is seeing from your domain provider.


Step 3 โ€“ Log into your domain account

Here is the video to connect your website though our Cpanel

In a new browser tab or window, log into your domain account, and find where you manage your DNS settings. Depending on your provider, this may be called Zone File Settings, Manage Domains, Domain Manager, DNS Manager, or something similar.

Here, youโ€™ll create these records so your domain correctly links to your Squarespace site.

Note: Donโ€™t delete MX records during this process. MX Records connect your email address. Deleting them could interfere with your email service.

Step 4 โ€“ Add the first CNAME Record

In the first line of your Squarespace DNS Settings, copy the unique code that appears directly below the Host column. The unique code is a random string of numbers and letters that must point to

In your providerโ€™s DNS manager, create a CNAME with these values:

Alias or Host Name Type or Record Type Points to
Copy and paste the unique code under Host on the first line. CNAME or CNAME Alias


  • If you notice a duplicate domain appear in your Alias or Host section, (like, add a period to the end of the recordโ€™s Host value ( The period prevents your provider from adding anything else to the end of the hostname.
  • If youโ€™re experiencing issues verifying your domain with a CNAME Record or if your domain provider doesnโ€™t support CNAME records, verify your domain using a TXT Record.
  • If you donโ€™t add this CNAME, or if itโ€™s entered incorrectly, the domain will unlink from your site after 15 days. If this happens, you can start over to reconnect the domain.

Step 5 โ€“ Add the second CNAME Record

In the second line of your Squarespace DNS Settings, www appears directly below the Host column. This record must point to

In your providerโ€™s DNS manager, create a CNAME with these values:

Alias or Host Name Type or Record Type Points to
www CNAME or CNAME Alias

Note: Depending on your provider, you may already have a CNAME set up with a www Alias. If so, edit this existing CNAME so that Points To is (For most providers, add this without the last โ€œ.โ€)

Note: If youโ€™re experiencing issues adding this record or if your domain provider doesnโ€™t support CNAME records, add an A record with the following details instead:

  • Alias or Host Name: www
  • Points To or Details198.185.159.144

Then, in Step 6, only add the three remaining A records.

Step 6 โ€“ Add the A Records

In the last four lines of your Squarespace DNS Settings, youโ€™ll see four IP addresses in the Required Data column. Each of these displays @ in the Host column.

Find the area of your DNS settings where you edit your A Records. If possible, create four A Records matching whatโ€™s shown below. If you can only add one A Record, use the record in the first row.

Host or Host Name Records, Record Type, or Type Points To or Details
@ A
@ A
@ A
@ A

If your provider doesnโ€™t accept @ as a Host Name, we recommend leaving the Host/Host Name field blank or entering your domain name without the โ€œwwwโ€ in front.

Note: Depending on your provider, you may already have some A Records in place. If so, edit any existing A Records with Host Name @ so that Points To matches the values above. If you see other A Records in your account that donโ€™t match whatโ€™s shown in this guide:

  • Host: @ โ€“ Delete only if it doesnโ€™t match whatโ€™s shown in this guide.
  • Host: blank โ€“ Delete. โ€œBlankโ€ specifies your domain without the www in front.
  • Host: Mail or Email โ€“ Donโ€™t delete. This connects to your email address. Deleting it could interfere with your email service.

Step 7 โ€“ Refresh

After changing your records, return to your Squarespace DNS Settings, and click Refresh below the records.

The Current Data column in the panel will start to update and show if your records are entered correctly. It can take up to 72 hours for this information to process.

To go the previous panel, click the arrow in the top-left corner.

Step 8 โ€“ Wait and test

If all records are entered correctly, your domain will connect to your site within 24 hours. At times, it can take up to 72 hours. Visit the Domains panel at any time to check your progress.

When the domain is correctly linked, the domain will appear in the Domains panel with a Connected label. If this is the domain you want to appear in the URL bar whenever someone visits your site, set this as your primary domain.

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