Beth Guide

Beth Guide, owner of Vertical Web, is a leader in SEO Web Design, Web Hosting and Digital Marketing. She is a well known public speaker and technology expert in Houston. She also works with with University of Houston Bauer College of Business, Houston Community College for Entrepreneurship, the Houston West Chamber of Commerce, and the Northwest Houston Chamber as well as being a Fox26 correspondent for technology.

Deciding The Best Methods To Use For Search Marketing

What are the most effective techniques to use when investing in a search marketing campaign? Are all results the same? What provides the best long term results? When it comes to online advertising, people have questions. There are so many variables and possibilities that a single answer is not going to suit every website. Knowing [โ€ฆ]

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Turning To An Internet Marketing Specialist For Help

The Internet marketing specialist is increasingly becoming a vital part of companiesโ€™ strategies to hold and expand their share of the marketplace. Displaying a dazzling array of Internet-specific skills, these personnel develop and refine the digital presence of companies, corporations and organizations, ensuring the continued commercial viability of their business clients. Search engine optimization, blog

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What Custom Web Development Companies Have To Offer

There is a vast difference between designing a business site and custom web development.  Knowing the difference can save a business a considerable amount of time, stress, and money.  A well designed site can increase its potential for revenue and attract a specifically targeted demographic to the site. Basic designing may look aesthetically pleasing but

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How Ecommerce Website Design Can Help A Business

There are many methods for obtaining a professional ecommerce website design.  There are free templates, premium templates, and custom designs to choose from for the business owner looking for an online presence. While some of those methods allow the business owner to not have to pay a single dime, sometimes, they want something a little

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Finding The Right Internet Marketing Consultancy Firm

Part of hiring a professional internet marketing consultancy includes ensuring a proper prioritization of strategies to maximize potential benefits. Some techniques take longer to see provable results, and other techniques are going to see faster results.  Mixing the two ensure better results that are long term, and provide the desirable affects. Many people try coaching

Finding The Right Internet Marketing Consultancy Firm

What We Do At Vertical Web

Vertical Web builds turnkey websites and offers ongoing search marketing and enterprise solutions. The qualified leads we generate for our clients create new streams of consistent revenue.  The strategies we implement are carefully planned and executed with systematic precision. Our search marketing methods are highly specialized, having been tested and proven with over 10 years

What We Do At Vertical Web